Link IR 8"

Technical data

Part No. 8000385
Upper interface 136 mm
Lower interface 145 mm
20 kg
250 kN


Diameter, upper bushing (C) Width (G) with bushing ManganBronze
Ø60 mm 150 mm 2 x 8000695

The product is supplemented with a bushing in the upper position according to the table. The product is supplied with a bushing in the lower position. The lower pin is inserted in the rotator's mounting.

We reserve the right to make product changes. For further technical information relating to integration, please contact

Link IR 8"
A 145 mm
B Ø60 mm
C See table
G 136 mm
H 210 mm
Diameter, upper bushing (C) Width (G) with bushing ManganBronze
Ø60 mm 150 mm 2 x 8000695

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Extended K100 program

The K100 is a series of swivels based on a unique combination of tried-and-tested technology and great flexibility.

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